

COP28 : Is this COP held in Dubai doomed to be a failure ?


Corentin Gentil: COP28 – Is this COP held in Dubai doomed to be a failure ?

Sorbonne Université  4 place Jussieu  75005  Paris  Sorbonne Université LOCEAN Couloir 45-55 4e étage pièce 417

Date 21/11/2023
Organisateur LOCEAN


COP28 will take place from November 30 to December 12 in Dubai, an oil-producing country, and will be chaired by the CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. Every year, the COP is presented as the « COP of the last chance », and we often get the impression that these negotiations are failures. What really happens at a COP ? What is negotiated ? Do things move forward ? I’ll try to answer these questions from the perspective of both a civil society eye and a national delegation negotiator eye, by first recalling the context of COP28 and how COP27 went. I’ll also talk about the Science – Policy-making interface, on which I’ve been working on for the past two years, and the (issues of) logistics of conferences attended by tens of thousands of people.

Informations dates et horaires

Date & Time: Tue Nov 21 2023 11:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
Room: Salle de réunion du 4eme tour 45/55

Lien zoom: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/99650605791?pwd=WUo3NGtTRXNDdTZBdkUzeC9zVFc5QT09