Christophe Perron (Univ. Laval, QC, Canada): Investigate sea ice solar radiation schemes in Earth System Models
Christophe Perron (Univ. Laval, QC, Canada): Investigate sea ice solar radiation schemes in Earth System Models
Sorbonne Université 4 place Jussieu 75005 Paris Sorbonne Université LOCEAN Couloir 45-55 4e étage pièce 417
The melting of Arctic sea ice in spring is driven by the absorption of solar radiation and its conversion into heat within the sea ice. Despite the importance of this thermodynamic process, numerous uncertainties persist regarding the schemes used in Earth system models. These uncertainties persist because current measurement methods make it difficult to estimate the amount of solar energy absorbed within the sea ice.
The objective of my doctoral project is to quantify this heat absorption using spectral albedo measurements taken in the field. Spectral albedo is a commonly performed measurement during field campaigns on sea ice. By applying our method to these existing datasets, we hope to provide data on solar energy absorption for different regions and times of the year in the Arctic. These data will then be used to evaluate the schemes for solar radiation partitioning currently implemented in Earth system models.
Informations dates et horaires
Room: 417 LOCEAN 45-55 4th floor
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